Dress: KOVEN 20:24
You’re going to die hundreds of times throughout your life. The person you were even yesterday is dead and gone. So get out your little black dress because I have news for you: We’re going to your funeral. And it won’t be the only one you’ll attend for yourself.
With constant changes in fashion and the acceleration of the trend cycle, everyone is on an ongoing journey of reinvention. But in order to fully reinvent yourself, to become the version of yourself that you dream about—the old you has to die.
Think of yourself as a phoenix being reborn from the ashes. If you truly dream about becoming a wholly new being, the other one can’t exist. You need to kill the old you with a blood-red knife and mourn that person, just as you would with any other death. It is not until you do this that you can truly come into the new version that you’ve been striving for.
The 5 stages of grief. A classic motif that we’ve all heard throughout our lives. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. They’re a way to cope whether it's conscious or not. Use them to your advantage to transform.
Outfit: Metafaeral
It’s easy to feel afraid or even be in denial that pieces that were once your favorite just don’t work for you anymore. The sweater you wore all the time sophomore year in high school, a pair of old shoes, or maybe even an ex’s sweatshirt. If you’re no longer wearing it, get it as far away from you as possible. Think about how many times you’ve searched through your closet claiming that you have “nothing to wear.” If you truly still loved that item, nothing would become something.
It’s okay to get angry at society. Throw all of your clothes on the floor and curse the social construct of “style” and “fashion.” Be mad that you spent $60 on an item that was part of a microtrend because TikTok said it would make you an “it girl.” Scream at the top of your lungs at the fashion industry leaders who dictate what you can and cannot wear from behind a computer screen. Without anger, you’ll never be able to truly turn into who you want to be. People are constantly put into boxes based on their appearance and you can’t let go of needing that validation without screaming that it’s wrong. So go ahead and get irrationally angry at a pair of jeans. It’s self-care.
When it comes to actually ridding your closet of these items, it’s normal to have an internal fight with yourself. “But what if I wanna wear this when-” Stop that thought right there. There will never be another occasion where you’ll need the bedazzled bodysuit that you bought for a costume party.
As fun as it is to give yourself a makeover, it’s also easy to get overwhelmed and emotional. Killing the old version of yourself is hard. You’re leaving behind bits and pieces of your life. Maybe a clothing item reminds you of good times that have passed. It’s okay and normal to feel this way when going through any sort of transition. Re-doing your wardrobe is no different. It’s also easy to feel lost. Maybe you know that your current look isn’t you but you don’t know what is. That’s okay, too. It’s so easy, especially today with social media, to feel like everyone fits inside one aesthetic that is just them. But what you see on social media is only a small snippet of how these people actually present themselves. Maybe the girl who’s gained fame by dressing exclusively in 1970s vintage participates in modern day micro trends when she’s not making content. Fashion doesn’t have to be exclusive to one style. If you don't feel lost in your fashion choices, then you’ll never learn what truly feels right. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different things. If you hate it, then take it off, yell at the fashion gods a little, and start again.
It can be hard to come to terms with the fact that you’re no longer the same person that you were five years ago. But the fashion industry isn’t the same either. The COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed the industry with a higher demand for sweatsuits, a brand new need for masks for the masses, and a drastic decrease in work attire. The fashion cycle has sped up. Things go in and out of style so quickly that by the time you get your item, it’s already considered “last season.” How can people possibly be expected to stay the same when every trend’s lifespan is shorter than Amazon Prime shipping? Our attention spans are ruined, thanks to short form entertainment like TikTok, so it’s natural to get bored with your clothes as well. The most important part is to remember that rebirth can’t happen without death. So kill that person who you once were. They’re not relevant anymore.
Outfit: Kaitlyn Gillums
Makeup Artist: Fabián J. López
Videographer: Maggie Davis
Writer: Jools Dembo
Graphic Designer: Gabrielle Soriano
Editor in Chief, Creative Dir: Pilar Bradley
Production and Set Dir: Luna Abreia
Model: Natasha Subbaraman
Photographer, Senior Photo Dir: Phillip Lewis
Stylist: Marielle Berrian
Assistant Stylist: Angie Hines
PA: Relly Lee
Makeup Artist, Senior Beauty Dir: Gillian Tokar