On Track
(Left to Right) Look 1 Top: YUNA SEKI Pants: YING KONG Look 2 Outfit: YUNA SEKI Look 3 Outfit: Javier Tabarés
On Track
Learning to embrace the redirection that life can bring can create a journey more fulfilling than the one you may have planned.
By Elliott Case
Turn right, turn left, take the 6 downtown, catch the Q uptown, go where the route is taking you. New York City is a wonderful companion to have on your side while navigating the twists and turns of the everchanging journey of life. Train tracks and bus routes all intertwine with the people encapsulated on the island. Within the grid, millions of people are finding new routes and paths that lead them to an ending goal, and as hectic as that can seem, there is peace in finding your way.
Out of the hustle, lessons are learned, friends are made, and connections thrive, but where did the time go to just slow down and look at the map? Everyone filters through life in their own way, but when it comes down to it, the track of life you are meant to be on can be in a constant state of development. We all have different needs and priorities as time goes on, but the original route is what we always go back to when it comes down to it.
New York City is a mecca of opportunity for anyone from any path of life. Because of the endless tracks, it's easy to get caught up in keeping up.
The Q train has delays getting from one place to another, and we get upset and move on, the same should apply to the rest of life, right? In today’s society, it is far too common to have the idea that the next big thing, or the new trend being popularized is the best direction to follow. That mindset is limiting considering how different every individual is. In New York City alone, 8.5 million people are walking around, all with different origin stations. The beauty is, there is so much to explore, learn, and get inspired by. The different perspectives and lives that exist in the same walk-up where you live, the same school building, and even the person making your coffee every morning has their roots.
The beauty of life in the city comes from the way everyone eventually will be at the same station, on the same track, and on the same path at one point. Not everyone will get to the same stop at the same time, but the beauty of it all is that five minutes later another opportunity will come for someone to jump on. If at that time it isn’t you, at least the trains are consistent (for the most part). There is never a missed opportunity or a track you should have taken when every point in New York City has an important meaning to each and every person who ends up there.
Sometimes you get on the wrong train and end up at a different destination than was planned. Sometimes, that can be the best mistake. Getting out of the security of the everyday route and routine can open so many doors in terms of self-growth. A new favorite coffee shop, or a chance encounter with someone, can all come out of one happy mistake. When everyday's lived on the same track, it gets easy to be complacent. Forgetting why we are here and why NYC is where life is unraveling. When your plans get disrupted or you get lost in the subway, a new path opens up. Take it.
New Yorker or not, the train tracks of life are unavoidable no matter how convenient your commute may be.
“You’re on the right track!”
Isn’t that gratifying to hear? You may be on the right track, but it wasn’t easy getting there was it? It can be frustrating to coexist with those who’ve had a head start, especially when you can’t control the delays that continuously happen on your line. You may not even be on a track just yet. Just as you hop those turnstiles and make your way down to the platform, the doors may close before you can even put a foot in—and we all know the insufferable frustration that comes along with this scenario.
So what now? You can always hop on a different line, but that may delay your arrival. Word of advice? Your phone’s GPS may not always help you out. It’s important to pay attention to the signs—you never know how easy it may be to transfer.
When presented with an alternate route, it's normal to be hesitant. Change is uncomfortable, but with it comes true growth. The unknown is intimidating and often feels like the biggest risk we can take. But it’s embracing and facing that fear that leads us to opportunities too good to pass on. The option to transfer or change train cars is always there, as is the option to change life directions. Living in New York City comes with many directions and redirections and this is a replica of the beautiful chaos that we cultivate in our journeys as individuals. The ability to create change is always there. Having the courage to take the first step is where the challenge is.
As life goes on, the different tracks of life will keep being built, halted, and blocked as challenges and celebrations shape our perspective. Everyone has a different home base, local station, or favorite line. The truth is, at one point or another, all tracks will eventually cross, we all share a goal of figuring out how to navigate the path we are on, and it just so happens that New York City is a place full of people figuring out what track they should take. It’s the perfect place to fail, get turned around, and even lost. Just remember not to focus on the fear— there’s always another train waiting.
Makeup Artist: Morgan Chen
Hair Stylist: Brooke Harry
Videographer: Amelie Trimpl
Graphic Designer: Suma Deshpande
Production and Set Dir: Luna Abreia
Models: Farrel Russell, Sydney Kidd
Model, Junior Fashion Dir: Brianna Tirado
Photographer, Senior Photo Dir: Phillip Lewis
Stylist, Editor in Chief, Creative Dir: Pilar Bradley
Assistant Stylist: Julianna Jara