by Audrey Tobin
Every day you get the opportunity to dress yourself. The opportunity to express your internal self in an external way. Take advantage of this because life is short and you have every right to wear what you want, whenever you want. There's no use in conforming your personal style to the style of those around you, don't let peers or social media make you feel otherwise. The truth about life is that no one can be you, and you can't be anyone else. So... be authentic! Wear those flashy sequins or wear your pajamas in public, do whatever you want. The moment genuine expression is utilized in your clothing choices is the moment your style has become art. You've become art.
Having "style" doesn't mean having a Pinterest perfect wardrobe or designer pieces. Style is how you put yourself together; it's another word for personal expression. If your style is cozier,wear your cozy clothes, you don't need to dress up. If your style is more dressed up, then dress up for everything and anything you want to. Style has no boundaries, and it doesn't have to be trend predicted, or by any means practical. It's entirely up to you, and that's the beauty of it.
Don't let words like "basic" or "too much" get in your head.
In today's world, we see people get ripped apart on social media (mostly TikTok) for being basic or just having "bad style". The thing about anything expressive or a type of art is that opinions are subjective. Not everyone in the world is going to love it, and not everyone in the world is going to hate it, so why waste your energy caring? Pleasing everyone and every expectation is impossible. Because of this, being authentic is so important when it comes to style or when it comes to anything. You don't have to waste that energy and you can be happy in the clothes that feel like you.
The moment your style is authentic, it's art. Clothing being art is highly debatable, especially because of its original utilitarian purpose and how can sweatpants be art? Well, not all art is pretty, and not all art is intricate. Have you ever seen one of those paintings of something so simple, you feel like you could've painted it, yet it's hanging in a museum or gallery? It's there because it's authentic, and it's a physical expression that someone created, no matter how simple it may be. The same thing goes for the art of fashion.
Take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself every day, getting dressed. It doesn't have to be something stressful. What you wear doesn't have to please anyone except yourself. Let things inspire you and have fun with fashion. But, at the end of the day, be yourself and wear whatever you want.
MODELS / Audrey Tobin, Sam Norris, Tori Olegario, Devin Trice
PHOTOGRAPHER / Anna Jewel Schluterman
STYLIST / Faith Giadolor, Monica Robles
MAKEUP AND HAIR / Gillian Tokar