Rising Indie-Pop Artist Faerie Tells Us About Her New Single “k-town”
Interview with Gracie Kahn and Christine Joyce Lam “Faerie”
Photo Credit: Ciara Nicdao
Gracie: Hi Christine! Thank you so much for taking some of your time today to speak with me about your new release! I am so excited to be here with you today and talk about your music journey and how it led you to your most recent single titled “k-town.”
Christine: Hi! Of course! I’m so excited to chat with you about music.
Q: To start, let’s just get a bit of background about who you are, how you got into music, etc.
Faerie Response: Sure! The earliest memory I have of writing music would be a video of me mumbling random words and singing some operatic melody at age 5. Does that count as my first song? I also recently found an old notebook with lyrics from when I was around 8 years old and it's super embarrassing, haha! I guess what I'm trying to get at is I've always loved creating music! It started in my home because I'd always hear my parents playing the radio plus my dad taught me how to play guitar. They brought me to piano lessons originally, but my teacher noticed that I was more interested in singing so she put on some karaoke for me. My parents then signed me up for voice lessons and from there, I kept practicing and practicing until I found my own voice.
The idea of Faerie was born in 2016 inside my bedroom while I was texting my friend, Hannah, about my list of names to choose from. My goal was to start over with my music under a new name. Faerie fits perfectly because it represents all the fantasy, beauty, and chaos that roams through my mind. Afterwards, I started collaborating with more indie musicians and really experimenting with my sound. It was only until 2020 when I finally felt ready to publish my first single, "Fever Dream," and the rest is history!
Q: Who or what inspires your sound? Did it change for this release, or is it typically the same inspiration that connects you to your desired sound?
Faerie Response: My inspirations usually come from my old journals, dreams, and playlists upon playlists! I’ve always loved creating worlds with characters and bringing them to life through music. But lately, I’ve been really trying to connect with my past self in order to write and eventually heal. It’s all a journey!
For my sound, I love listening to other artists and watching concerts to get inspiration. The first thing I like to feel is the energy of the song I’m listening to. How can I emulate that in my music? Then I pick out sounds like whether it’s the synth, guitar tone, or vocal manipulation. I bring this all together and try to create something that feels like me! This recent project was heavily inspired by songs I listened to as a teenager. So artists like Arctic Monkeys, Paramore, Tame Impala, Mitski, Lorde while throwing in some newer tunes from Men I Trust, Bleachers, and Harry Styles.
Q: Tell me about the inspiration behind “k-town.” Did it come naturally to you? Did you find yourself struggling to perfect the worldbuilding behind what “k-town” means to you? (you can talk about create process here as well)
Faerie Response: “k-town” came from a memory tucked in the back of my mind. My friends and I would meet up in K-town to escape from the rest of the world. It was our own little bubble where we forget about our troubles. But now that I look back at it, these suppressed feelings always come back whether it slips in between drinks or at the end of the night on our ride home. This song was written to confront these feelings and secrets, so I can finally heal. So it definitely came naturally because it’s been on my mind for quite some time.
I did struggle with world building for a bit, not gonna lie. I knew the atmosphere I wanted to create, but it all came down to the lyrics and overall storytelling. The lyrics felt easy at first as I kept repeating the line “make your way back to K-town” over and over, but then I felt stuck. I had different ways to approach the storytelling. Trust me. There are so many different versions of this song! I turned to a good friend and talented singer-songwriter, Christian Young (aka ImTrying). We collaborated in the past and he always helps me get my thoughts together to write a cohesive story. We finally decided on the flow while incorporating a technique I always turn to when writing: the story arc. I feel like if you dig enough, you can see what we were trying to get at.
Q: What’s your relationship like with Matty Bedrosian? Do you see yourself working with him on future projects?
Faerie Response: I’m so happy you asked because Matty (aka Yummm) is an amazingly talented producer and singer-songwriter! I found him on SoundBetter while searching for a producer for this project. I sent him my first demo and he immediately understood the vibe I was going for. I was honestly blown away. From that moment, I already knew we were gonna work well together. He’s such a trooper since we had to do all of this virtually. It’s not easy when your creative partner is on the other side of the country (literally he’s from CA and I was in NY). I see us working together in the future for sure! I’m thankful he was able to put up with my craziness, haha.
Q: Do you keep Faerie separate from Christine Lam? If so, how?
Faerie Response: This is an interesting question that I think about from time to time! At first, I wanted to completely separate the two. Overtime, I realize Faerie is not only an exaggeration of myself but also an extension. As Christine, I’ve felt this fear to be who I truly am because I was afraid of judgment and disapproval from others. Being Faerie actually gives me an excuse to live as my true self. I try to embrace this moving forward. It’s been liberating.
Q: What can we expect moving forward?
Faerie Response: More music of course! You can keep an eye out for more singles! I’m planning on releasing my sophomore EP in early 2023 and maybe that’ll lead to an album! I’m working hard to balance my day job and music, so support like yours really helps lift my spirit. I’m so excited to collaborate more with emerging creatives and perform intimate live gigs!
You can learn more about Faerie by checking out her website here, listening to her single “k-town” here, or following her on Instagram here.
This interview was conducted by our Music Curator Gracie Kahn who you can find on Instagram here.